Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Passing Ministry on the way to ministry

It was November 1st an early morning my roommate knocks on my door and ask "chepe going to prayer?" I quickly responded "No".I just came back from Connecticut and I really hadn't slept well in a while, so I just wanted to have some good sleep in, after all we have been praying for about maybe over four months. Mind you this prayer meeting is for the city of orlando amongst about 5 or 6 friends. After I heard my roommate shut the door and start his car, I just couldnt stop thinking if I had made the right choice. I julted up and decided to just go (was excited to shower because of new soap and shampoo it helped lol). On my way to 6am prayer I was parked at a red light and I notice a car on the side of the road and a young person looking like they needed help. So Light turnes green I press the gas and as I pass this young person I imediatly get convicted. I think of where im going and why I was going and thought how rediculous, how am I going to pass up an oportunity to help someone in the city of Orlando in need when im waking up for 6am prayer for the past few months asking God to show him self in ways where people cant deny the love of God. Here's my prayer in action! I do a quick U turn ask the guy "Hey need help" He said "well my car over heated" I invite him in the car (nervously, thinking if I can fight him if i needed to lol) and he seems a little nervous to and I asked him how old he was and he said 19 (The age I gave myself to the lord). We drove to the gas station so he could get what he needed and along the way This young man is saying he wants to be a motivational speaker. I can't help but know at this point this man has an assignment on his life and he's about to figure it out soon. I listen and listen (he's a talker, met his match lol) and after we get back to his car and its running he ask to go to denys. This stranger and I go to breakfast and he says "So where were you going" I said "6am prayer" then he ask "Why are you Christian" and i just share my life and why I decided to serve Jesus Christ. He wasn't sure if God existed but respected my story. I encourage him to go see a play that night at church about the real evil that goes on in life since holloween just passed. He was hesitant but said he would go. He actually went alone and enjoyed it and got to hear my pastor share his testimony at the end. The next day I asked what he thought he said he was inspired and that he didnt go to the alter because he realized there would have to be a change (pause) (another pause) wow! Yes he knew there was no more living the same from what the call was for. He asked to buy a bible, so we went next day to buy a bible and I told him to start reading the new testament. Imediatly in the car he opens and starts reading and preaching to me. lol He was amaized at what he was reading. Mind you he had not decided if God was real and if he was going to accept Christ. Thursday comes along and Im having starbucks with him letting him know "the only motivational speaking is that wich leads to christ" and he was thinking aobut it. It was a spiritual war! Sunday comes he goes to church, he enjoys the powerful testimony of my good friend June Gonzalez. The next tuesday November 9, 2010 he goes to boom bible study. This night Carrie was sharing her testimony and included the story of Zakeuis, I walk in late because of work and I hear this voice and its him! This Dude is comparing his like to Zakeuis and breaking down the word in sections and say's "I feel like Zakeuis, when Jesus said come down because salvation comes to this house today" (pounding on his chest). Carries ask "Teomar do you want to accept Jesus" He says "Yes!" My jaw drops and they see me on the corner standing (I wasn't visible) and Carrie tells me to lead him to the Lord. All this goes to show is when you are praying for something and contending for it to happen dont miss it. I could of missed the very thing I have been praying for in the city. It may have delayed his break through. Days after I got to lead 2 more individuals to the Lord 1 being my brother after 6 years of praying. Take care of Gods business and he'll take care of yours.

A stranger became a friend then a brother in Christ.

I was gald to share what was shared with me November of 2005 at the age of 19 I accepted Christ. :) Best decicion I have EVER made and I gained so much more than I lost.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Honor Testimony

Whasup Fellow Bloggers!

I am excited to share a small testimonial about honor today. Yesturday a friend of mine taught a bible study on what it means to honor those who God places in authority and it deeply convicted me. My friend taught on how God has a full reward in store for us. Idont know about you but I want to get a full reward not a partial or even no reward from God.

Sure enough test came the next day. Today I woke up 45 minutes late to work. IM NEVER LATE! I was tempted to call out, because it would count against me as a call out any way. I decided that I would go in to honor my boss.

Then tonight I go eat at bentos and then to a wounderful play and I get back to my car feeling all blessed and BAM! Im giving the lady my parking validation given to me by the restaurant I ate at prior to the play and she said "I need to have the original ticket and the validation." So manager comes and says if it's lost thats a $30 fee. Imediatly I start sweating of anger arm pits wet and neck red get the picture. I tell the manager I dont have the money and its a rediculous cost. He caught an attitude so I end up telling him ok please give me the ticket you need to write and I need your card or someone higher up to complain about this crazy price. I get all that from him and im off. I said "God today I strived to honor you by honoeing my boss and going to work and I honored that manager by not getting nasty with him and this your money I can't be having it thrown away like that, If you helped a man yesturday find a girl in the woods after 4 days and I lost this ticket minutes ago you can help me find it, You know where it is God guide me." So I retraced my steps in my car driving slowly saying "Jesus Jesus Jesus" through downtown and BAM a shinny white parking ticket on robinson street! GLORY TO GOD! That's a small miracle and I believe it's because Im getting my FULL REWARD because Im Honoring!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Understanding God

I just had an awesome day by the pool since it's hot again in Florida. I read the 1st chapter of Crazy Love. I was taken back and in awe of God creation after reading the 1st chapter. I listened to the laughs of friends and thought how unique of God and creative that he would make that laughter different and so unique than others. What an artistic God I serve. Im being ministered by the Holy Spirit in a new way. I love books that cause me to be hungry for the word and drive me to just worship my creater. I let it resignate in my spirit that God is BIG , soverign, and creative! Stop and think, look, and touch..taste and see that God is good. Seriously do it. Drink water, look at your finger prints, touch a leaf, look in the mirror..what a creative God we have! Allow your self to engulf in that..GOD YOU ARE SOO BEYOND WHAT WORDS CAN DESCRIBE!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Organic Life

I have been organic living and its great. I felt lead to do this 40 day organic living where I dont use social networks (facebook, twitter, or myspace). It's been a great releif! I usually check my facebook or twitter any given moment through my phone. I find now that I have more of an organic life with that small change I have made in just 1 week. It's refreshing to not feel so overly socialy stimulated. It feels good to live a "normal" life. I dont watch much tv at all, I don't text as much, and I notice I have a much more relaxed, less busy, and noisey life. Less of the world's cluter and more of God's organic way of living. There needs to be a balance in our lives. Less tv watching, texting, social networking, and More reading, writting, and face to face conversating. Try it out!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A pound of Bricks Fell on my heart!

not again, wasn't it already enough
This too?
I DON'T want another ounce of this bitter drink called bad news!!
Im so tired
fed up
and confused
Can someone lift the bricks please please please
because under the ton of bricks lied my heart
splattered like a can of red paint spilled on the ground
God doesn't give you more than you can bare?
I really struggle with that
sometimes it just doesn't seem that way
No! What!
not again, wasn't it already enough?
Dear readers
I hope you never come to taste this bitter Drink
called bad news
like a ton of bricks wich splatters the heart

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Irresistible Revolution "im not there yet"

I purchased this book on Sunday after a few friends recommended I read it and it's been enhancing thoughts that I have already been developing about Christianity. I find that this author Shane Claiborne is challenging me through his personal relationship with Christ to be a Jesus follower and not a church goer.

Reading this book has been helping me to be more aware of desires God has put in my heart and has been motivating me to make plans and work towards what God wants me to do. Jesus had dirty feet and we are so far from having even our hands dirty.

He accounts some radical and untraditional things he has been doing since he went off to college and the dude even had the opportunity to work along Mother T!

There is alot that of dares in this book to do more for Christ with what we have and one thing that he shares that I have heard before but sat different with me today in Chapter 3 is "We are not called to be successful but to be faithful"

So you mean at work I should just be faithful? Faithful to the duties and the clients I encounter? Not worry about being successful? That means I dont have to keep up with the Jones's and It doesnt matter if I have a degree and It doesn't matter what I wear or where I live. It matters how FAITHFUL I am.

I have to confess IM not there yet. I need to be born again AGAIN!