Monday, March 1, 2010

Organic Life

I have been organic living and its great. I felt lead to do this 40 day organic living where I dont use social networks (facebook, twitter, or myspace). It's been a great releif! I usually check my facebook or twitter any given moment through my phone. I find now that I have more of an organic life with that small change I have made in just 1 week. It's refreshing to not feel so overly socialy stimulated. It feels good to live a "normal" life. I dont watch much tv at all, I don't text as much, and I notice I have a much more relaxed, less busy, and noisey life. Less of the world's cluter and more of God's organic way of living. There needs to be a balance in our lives. Less tv watching, texting, social networking, and More reading, writting, and face to face conversating. Try it out!